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CAPACITAR Wellness Practices

This experiential taster session will explore the body-based wellness practices of Capacitar, working with the healing flow of the body using simple Tai Chi movement, breath-work visualisation, self-acupressure and energy work. Each of the practices enable relaxation, calm and trauma healing. The practices are wonderful for self-care and for sharing with others

The Taster Session will take place on Saturday 25th March from 10am until 3.30pm at St Bede’s Pastoral Centre. The cost for the day will be £15 (bring own lunch or order from Bar Convent next door to St Bede’s). The CAPACITAR UK Trainers for the Taster Session will be Anne Harrison and Jo Morrell.

The next CAPACITAR Training Course is due to start in September 2023

Details of the Training Weekends for 2023/24 are as follows:

Part 1 Module 1 09/09 and 10/09 10.00-16.30 each day at St Bede’s Pastoral Centre Module 2 24/11, 25/11 and 09/12 10.00-13.00 each day online Module 3 02/03 and 03/03 10.00-16.30 each day at St Bede’s Pastoral Centre Module 4 18/05 and 19/05 10.00-13.00 each day online Part 2 Final Day 15/06 10.00-16.30 at St Bede’s Pastoral Centre

To book a place on the Taster Session or for more information on the 2023-24 Course including a leaflet and application form, please contact Fiona Hill on

For more information on Capacitar visit



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