Return from Exile

Exile takes many forms. We may find ourselves physically exiled from people or places. We may be surrounded by people, but feel an inner sense of exile from those we live alongside. We may feel exiled from our bodies or be exiled from the places and experiences which bring us joy and sustain us.
Times of exile can be very painful, yet are key parts of our own stories and can be times of growth and enlightenment. This day is an invitation to journey with our sense of exile, to think about our own stories. We will start to discern what invitations may be waiting for us as we look to the future. What do we wish to change and which new ways of being will be helpful?
Charles Forman trained on the York Ignatian Spiritual Accompaniment Course and now offers spiritual accompaniment as part of a portfolio career alongside working as a personal development coach and environmental project manager.
Siobhan Burke is a Spirituality Team Member at St Bede’s working in spiritual formation.
Dates and Bookings
In Centre on Saturday 17 May from 10am to 3.30pm. £25.