Creative Connections - Fuller Explorations


Similar in structure and purpose to the Renewal Spaces, these full days will give the opportunity to focus more fully on participants’ responses to a guided meditation at the beginning of each day. The creative activities will focus on using one main medium.

Themes for each termly Creative Connection Day:

  • Autumn – Before, during and after… we will use clay as a focus to explore this theme
  • Spring – Looking for beauty…we will use felt as a focus to explore this theme
  • Summer – My story… we will use fabric as a focus to explore this theme

Led by Linda Courage.

Linda Courage is a member of the Abbey of the Arts and a coordinator for Living Spirituality Connections. She has a heart for encouraging and guiding others in practices which help to reconnect us to ourselves and restore our vitality and aliveness.


Dates and Bookings

Takes place in centre, one Wednesday each term, 10am to 3pm – please click the links below to book:

£30 per session.